The time after an auto accident is a very stressful one. There are so many things to do, people to contact, and different types of pain to deal with. After all this, the last thing you need is to be unfairly blamed for the incident. Here, you’ll learn why you should call a car accident lawyer St Augustine FL before calling your insurance company.
Your Attorney is in Your Corner
The biggest problem with auto insurance companies is that when you’re making a claim, they’re not on your side. It’s the nature of the insurance business to maintain profits at all costs, which means they usually offer settlements that are less than you deserve. On the other hand, your attorney is exclusively focused on your best interests, and it’s their job to ensure that you get the appropriate settlement.
Lawyers Give Great Legal Advice
The time right after an accident can be chaotic, and it’s even more so when you’re suffering from serious injuries. If you have never been in an auto accident, you’ll have to make many decisions in a short time, and those choices will have a substantial impact on your settlement. Your lawyer will advise you on what to do at the scene, when you call your insurer, and when you’re negotiating with the other party’s insurance company.
Your Attorney Will Expedite the Process
For cases involving serious injuries or death, having a car accident lawyer St Augustine FL will make a difference in the speed with which the matter is resolved. Auto accidents lead to big bills that need to be paid right away, and when you need a settlement quickly, your attorney can help to make it happen.
Insurance companies have no motivation to act quickly. While they may be sympathetic to your situation, they may do everything they can to reduce your settlement. Seek legal advice from the team at Canan Law or visit them at to schedule a no-obligation consultation.