It is estimated around two million complaints of elder abuse are filed each year. This startling statistic does not account for those cases that go unreported. When a family places their senior loved one in a nursing home, they expect the loved one to receive the highest level of care. When abuse happens, it is devastating to everyone involved. When a senior is abused, the family members need to hire a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Davie FL.
Signs of Nursing Home Abuse
There are multiple signs that occur when someone is suffering from nursing home abuse. This type of abuse is far-reaching, but the signs are not always clear. The following are some signs family members should always look for when it comes to abuse. If any of the signs are noticed, family members need to call the Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Davie FL.
- Unusual behaviors such as fear and anxiety
- Unexplained bruising
- Frequent “accidents”
- Marks on the wrist (indicative of restraints)
- Unexplained weight loss
- Extreme confusion without cause
- Lost items
- Medication concerns
- Unsafe living conditions
If any of the above is being experienced, individuals need to seek legal help right away. An attorney will help the family determine what authorities need to be notified for assistance. They will also work to hold the nursing home and staff responsible.
How to Get Started
To get started on the process, a consultation appointment will need to be scheduled. At this appointment, the family will be able to discuss the accusations and proof of abuse and will be able to receive sound legal advice. This advice is so essential for helping the family to make the right choices that will lead to the right outcome. The attorney will take over the entire process and will work towards helping the family recover.
If your loved one has been abused, now is the time to seek legal help. Call the office today to Schedule an appointment right away. Allow them to help you through the process of seeking fair compensation and making sure the nursing home staff is never able to abuse another senior in the future.