Heat buildup in systems can create adverse conditions that impact electrical components. However, identifying the exact heat source creating these built-up conditions and potentially leading to component failure has often proven to be elusive without tools like infrared thermography.
What Is Infrared Inspection?
Advanced heat-detection uses leading-edge infrared inspection techniques. It’s an available option for many kinds of components, panel boxes, equipment, and even large system areas. Inspection applications range from system-wide scanning for trouble areas to the verification of suspect smaller areas.
Infrared Thermography
IR thermography inspections take place with compact, high-sensitivity handheld devices. These devices detect infrared energy while scanning components or systems and convert it to temperature images indicating hotspots. The heat maps show weak areas in a design.
Proactive System Protection
The scanning process can carry out in real-time and disclose hard-to-determine problem areas. The high level of sensitivity can detect even small changes in temperature that typically occur surrounding failing or malfunctioning components or loose connections. The process can potentially prevent losses in the hundreds of thousands that could result from downtime or damage.
The Preventative Advantage of IR Field Testing
IR thermography inspections are typically not standard in most preventative maintenance programs provided by manufacturers or independent service companies. However, critical power specialists can give businesses an advantage through field testing services. Dedicated teams of engineers inspect systems and locate potential trouble areas. The services can be provided on request or be implemented in a service plan or comprehensive maintenance program.