Reset Your Court Date with Keller, TX Bail Bonds

by | Dec 26, 2018 | Shopping & Fashion

Sometimes people forget to attend their court date. Other times, it may be impossible to get out of work, or an emergency may come up. A warrant for arrest can then be issued. Bail bond companies are a great help in these situations. You can often reset your court date if you call the courthouse ahead of time. It something comes up the day of court or you forget, however, you may need to post bond to get a new court date.

What to Do

You may not remember that you have missed the court date until you receive notice of the warrant for your arrest. Once you receive this order, you need to call about Keller, TX bail bonds. This way, you can act quickly to avoid arrest. A else provider gets the warrant removed so you can remain safe until your trial. Once the bond is paid, a new court date is also set. This can be a huge relief for those that are concerned with a surprise arrest. Even a simple traffic stop can lead to an arrest when you have a warrant issued. Gather cash, your identification, and court information before you head over to the bond establishment.


When you pay for bail bonds, you are committing to return to court for you trial. If you miss court a second time, a warrant can be reissued. Your court date should be made available for you before you leave the bail bond store. If you missed a court date, posting bond gives you a second chance to attend your trial. Ronnie D Long Bail Bonds can help you receive a new court date. Be sure to show up so that the fees do not become unbearable.

Bail bonds are incredibly helpful if you accidentally miss a court date or something important comes up. If you do not know ahead of time about the need to reschedule, to. A bail bond can help you get a new trial date. Plan appropriately for this court day so you don’t forget a second time.

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