The Lifeline program began in 1985 to help qualifying individuals and families afford phone service. Today, a Lifeline government phone is still a critical way for low-income and qualifying people to stay in touch with their work, friends, family, and emergency services.
Different carriers in Georgia offer qualifying individuals a free government phone. This includes free unlimited calls and texting. In addition, there are other services offered, including specific programs like Emergency Broadband Benefits. This program is directly related to helping qualifying families pay for internet services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Staying Connected
Qualifying applications for a Lifeline government phone can choose their specific phone model from those offered in the program. These are smartphones, allowing people in Georgia to browse the internet, send and receive emails, and stay connected with friends and family across the country and around the world.
Manage Your Life
The free government phone provides qualifying individuals with the option to manage their lives by downloading the apps they need to access their banking, pay bills, find employment opportunities, and even complete online courses and training. Anything you can do with a paid smartphone is possible through the free program.
Mobile Connections
Your free government phone allows you to stay connected even when you are on the go. You never miss an important call or email with the service, which is ideal for parents, job seekers, or those who need to stay in touch with work, school, or the family.
If you are interested in learning more about a free government phone Georgia, talk to the experts at Infiniti Mobile. To find out if you qualify, visit us at .