There are many important things that you need to take into account when it comes to buying an insurance policy. One of the many terms that you will hear is the SR-22 in Fox Lake, IL. This is a vehicle liability insurance document that is required by almost all State Departments of Motor Vehicles, primarily for insurance policies that are deemed “high risk.” If a driver was involved in a serious car accident and ended up losing their driving privileges, the DMV may require them to sign the SR-22 before their privileges can be reinstated.
What Does It Do?
In the case of an uninsured car accident, the DMV may require the driver to sign the form. It’s also needed in case the driver has been convicted of any other offence, like a DUI. The form might be needed for up to five years following a conviction. It’s vitally important for drivers to fill out the form if they have been convicted of a misdemeanor or worse. The form is needed as a financial responsibility filing. If you want to get the form, check out visit us website.
Important Things to Know
A lot of people are under the assumption that the SR-22 is a kind of an insurance policy. Unfortunately, that’s not true. It’s actually a document sent by an insurance company to the state, confirming that the driver has an active insurance policy that meets the liability requirements as set by the state. It’s recommended that you talk to your insurance provider to find out more about the options available to you and the cost of insuring yourself. These are just a few things that you should know about this vehicle liability insurance document.