Types of Cases Handled by a Product Liability Lawyer near Beaver Dam, WI

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Law Services

The majority of modern consumers have likely heard the phrase “product liability” thrown around at some point in their lives but most of them don’t know exactly what it means. Put simply, product liability law focuses on three areas of liability: poorly designed products, defective manufacturing, and failure to warn consumers about potential hazards. Those who aren’t sure whether they might have reason to file a suit can read on to find out about the kinds of cases typically handled by a product liability lawyer near Beaver Dam, WI to learn more.

Design Defects

Design defects are sometimes referred to as planned defects, although the designers don’t typically intentionally include defects in their products. Instead, what that means is that the defect dates all the way back to the planning phase of the product’s design and manufacture. Examples can be seen in things like toys marketed to toddlers that have parts small enough to be choking hazards or in cookware that was designed to use materials that are known to be harmful to human health when consumed.

Manufacturing Defects

In these kinds of cases, the original product design was sound but a defect in manufacturing has caused one or more of the actual products to cause harm to consumers. Manufacturers’ defects are sometimes referred to as unplanned defects, meaning that the designer could not have foreseen that the issue would come up. More often than not, only a limited number of the products being produced by a manufacturer will include the dangerous defect.

Failure to Warn

There are some products that offer enough of a benefit to consumers that they are still sold legally despite the fact that there is no way to make them completely safe. When this is the case, the products’ manufacturers must provide a warning about the dangers of the product, and a failure to do so will mean that they are legally liable for any injuries that occur.

Get Help Now

If a consumer has suffered an injury or illness due to the use of a product as it was intended to be used, they should contact a product liability lawyer near Beaver Dam, WI as soon as possible to discuss their options. Visit the website to learn more about one legal office that can help today. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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