We Reduce Theft

by | Jul 5, 2019 | Security Systems and Services

Retail loss, commonly called theft or shoplifting, is one of the most common reasons why businesses lose money. We offer loss prevention security Los Angeles CA so that business owners and managers do not have to worry about having their employees constantly worry about this common problem. Our security guards include uniformed loss prevention officers as well as plainclothes professionals who can blend in with a crowd.

We serve all types of retail establishments. Our team is able to provide general security at shopping centers and malls. We can watch the parking lots, hallways and common areas. We also provide services within individual stores. From big box stores that sell everything to those that sell specialty products, we aim to curb the risk of theft. The mere presence of our uniformed loss prevention and security guards is often enough to deter most thieves.

We also serve specialty and smaller retail establishments. We can post a guard who is always there when your jewelry store is open. We can also have guards come in and out in order to monitor stores that have a high theft rate. Some of the types of retail establishments that we have served in the past include pharmacies, boutiques, electronics stores, antique and pawn shops and department stores. You can also count on us for trade show and swap meet security. If you are hosting a special event that involves sales, our security guards patrol it.

When you are in need of loss prevention security in Los Angeles CA, contact us at GSG Protective Services. We have many years of experience in loss prevention at a wide variety of retail and commercial facilities.

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