What Happens If I Delay Repairs to My Residential Roof?

by | Dec 24, 2018 | Roofing Contractor

If you want to keep your house in top shape, that means paying close attention to the condition of the roof. Allowing necessary roof repairs in Evanston IL to slide for any amount of time will pave the way for quite a few problems. Here are a few examples of what could happen if you decide to put off having an essential repair done promptly.

Leaky Roofs and Mold in the Attic

Loose shingles and other issues make it easy for the roof to leak. Along with causing more damage to the roof itself, the leakage can also create problems in the attic. The dampness makes it all the easier for mold to develop. If you have anything like clothing or paper products stored in the attic, there’s the chance of mildew developing also. At the least, you have a mess that has to be cleaned up. At worst, there’s structural damage to repair and the loss of items ruined by the mold and mildew.

Damage to the Frame

Problems with the roof could lead to the development of issues with the home’s framework. If this happens, you could spend quite a bit of money replacing rafters, beams found in weight-bearing walls, and other issues. A better choice is to have a professional take care of those roof repairs in Evanston IL as soon as you become aware of them.

Your Foundation Could Be Affected Too

You may not make the connection between roof issues and the home’s foundation, but it’s there. Roof damage that interferes with proper drainage increases the odds of saturating the ground under the foundation. That can lead to cracks that weaken the foundation and in turn put more stress on the home frame. You can avoid all these potential problems by having the roof repairs in Evanston IL done sooner rather than later.

Do you wonder if your roof is in top condition? Contact the team and Showalter Roofing Service and ask about having it inspected. You can also visit website to set up a date and time for the inspection. If your roof does need any work, we’ll go over the specifics, provide a quote, and be ready to take care of the repairs as soon as possible.

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