How to Shop for Natural Conditioner for Curly Hair in Stone Mountain GA

by | Jan 29, 2021 | Hair Care

Although you probably have lots of ingredients right in your kitchen that you can use to make a conditioner, there are products on the market that contain natural ingredients as well. When it comes to choosing the best natural conditioner for curly hair, there are a few things you should consider.

Know What Your Hair Likes

Before you can start your search for the perfect conditioner, you must first know how your hair reacts to certain products. Although your hair might be tightly curled, it might also be thin and become weighed down easily. At the same time, if you have hair that has low porosity, you would probably do better with a product that is less thick and water-based.

Choose Ingredients To Match Your Goals

Take a minute to consider what your hair is lacking or is in need of, and choose your ingredients from there. If your hair is dry and breaks easily, you need to focus on ingredients that help your hair retain moisture such as coconut oil, shea butter, et cetera.

Use Your Products Properly

Many naturals like to use their regular conditioner as a leave in conditioner as well. While this might work in the beginning, you might end up with lots of excess buildup which can cause your hair to look dry and perform poorly. When choosing a natural conditioner for curly hair, choose a product based on your particular hair and not because it worked on some else. Each head of hair is different and reacts to products uniquely; therefore, you should pick your products accordingly.

For more information, contact Texture My Way at

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