When you need your documents certified as required by a foreign institution, you’ll need to have them certified by the proper agency and in the proper way in the soonest possible time. You need someone to expedite the process.
You may even need an Apostille from Secretary of State provided by the US State Department in D.C.
That’s where we come in to help you go through an authentication process, embassy legalization, certification from the US Department of State and apostille services including those on FBI background checks.
We at US Authentication Services can provide you that service where you don’t have to do the leg work and having to learn of the certification requirements. Because we specialize in this service, we can do that for you.
The process is very simple and easy to do in three steps: contact us for a quote, send us your documents and finally, we process your order. That’s it! It’s that simple.
You can also rely on our efficiency, reliability and security of our service where your documents and information in them will be kept protected. We provide these services for individuals and for businesses.
So, whether you need to send in diplomas, transcripts, certificates of power of attorney or business documents such as trade and partnership agreements, appointments of agents, board resolutions or tax and federal documents, we can do the authentication process for you.
If you need some help such as an apostille from Secretary of State, just give us a call at +1-703-971-7226. Contact US Authentication Services to request more information or go to visit us website https://www.usauthentication.com/ today.
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